Download de software van de website van (
Open the folder where you downloaded the Agent. By default, the Downloads folder.
11. Right click on the Agent file. From the local menu, select Open.
Another window appears on the screen:
12. From the files that appear, select Right-click on it, then select Open from the local menu.
A warning window appears on the screen:
13. Click on the Cancel button.
You will see this window again:
14. From the files that appear, select Right-click on it, then select Open from the local menu.
A warning window appears on the screen:
15. Click on the Open button.
A wizard will be launched to guide you through the installation.
16. From the options, select Install.
17. Click on the Next button.
A confirmation window will appear:
18. Enter the password of your MacOS. Then Click OK.
Then the wizard appears again:
19. Here you can see the location where the Agent will be installed. If you want to install the Agent somewhere else, you can change the path here.
The default path is: /Library/DWAgent
20. Click the Next button.
The next page of the wizard is displayed:
21. Select Yes to confirm that the specified installation path is correct.
22. Click the Next button.
The next page of the wizard is displayed:
23. From the two installation modes, select the Enter the installation code option.
24. Click the Next button.
The next page of the wizard is displayed:
25. In this field, enter your Installation code. This is the code that the system previously generated for you when you created the Agent.
26. Click the Next button.
The next page of the wizard is displayed:
As you can see, the Agent has been successfully installed.
27. Click the Close button to close the wizard.
Once the installation is complete, you will also need to grant permissions to use the Agent. You can do this as follows:
28. Click on System settings.
The System settings window appears:
29. From the menu on the left, select Privacy & Security.
30. From the menu on the right, select Accessibility.
You will see the following window:
31. Click on the + (Plus) button.
A password prompt window will appear:
32. Enter your MacOS password.
33. Click on the Modify Settings button.
The following window will appear:
Select where the Agent is located.
If you have not changed the installation path and you have installed it to the default location, follow these steps:
34. Select your Mac device.
35. Select the drive.
36. Select the Library folder.
37. Select the DWAgent folder.
38. Select native folder.
39. select the dwagguilnc file.
40. Click on the Open button.
You will see the following window:
41. Click on the Back button.
The System settings window appears again:
42. Select the Screen Recording option.
This will be displayed:
43. Click on the + (Plus) button.
The following window will appear:
Select where the Agent is located.
If you have not changed the installation path and you have installed it to the default location, follow these steps:
44. Select your Mac device.
45. Select the drive.
46. Select the Library folder.
47. Select the DWAgent folder.
48. Select native folder.
49. Select the dwagguilnc file.
50. Click on the Open button.
You will see the following window:
You can close the System settings window.
51. Click on the Monitor icon to show the DWAgent – Monitor window.
The Monitor will appear:
In the image above you can see that the Agent is active and Online. From now on it is possible to connect to this Agent.
Now let’s go back to the account where you can see the Agent you created:
52. Select All from the menu on the left.
53. You can connect to the Agent by clicking on it.
This brings us successfully to the end of the installation process.